The Navy Finally Speaks Up About Its Bizarre “UFO Patent” Experiments


After reporting on the bizarre saga of the Navy’s “UFO” patents by Dr. Salvatore Pais for over a year and a half, The War Zone has finally gotten an on-the-record comment from the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division, or NAWCAD, about the scientist’s seemingly out-of-this-world work and the service’s equally strange outright support of it.

As we reported in our last piece, the science and technology branches of the Naval Aviation Enterprise and NAWCAD took the theories of Dr. Pais seriously enough not just to vouch for them at the highest levels to patent examiners, asserting Chinese advances in similar areas of research and that they were ‘operable’ in nature, but to also subsequently invest a significant amount of money and time into researching the so-called “Pais Effect.” This is a theoretical concept for generating high-intensity electromagnetic fields that could supposedly lead to hypothetical breakthroughs in power generation and advanced propulsion. Specifically, the Navy has now responded to inquiries related to the new documentation we uncovered in our most recent report that shows hundreds of thousands of dollars were spent on Pais’s High Energy Electromagnetic Field Generator (HEEMFG) experiments, along with other details related to it.

An overview of Pais’s high-energy electromagnetic field generator concept., DON via FOIA

Timothy Boulay, Communications Director at NAWCAD, confirmed several points to The War Zone by email:

– The High Energy Electromagnetic Field Generator testing occurred from October 2016 through September 2019;

– The cost was $508,000 over the course of three years. Around ninety percent of the total – $462,000 – was for salaries, while the rest was used for equipment, test preparation, testing and assessment.

– When NAWCAD concluded testing in September 2019, the “Pais Effect” could not be proven.

– No further research has been conducted, and the project has not transitioned to any other government or civilian organization.

While we greatly appreciate the response to our queries, it remains unclear why NAWCAD was unwilling to speak with us until now if they knew all along these experiments resulted in what appears to be a scientific dead-end that resulted in no verification of any of Pais’s theories.

In addition to the statements above, Boulay added the following about the inventor of the Navy’s “UFO patents”:

The latest on Dr. Pais: you might remember that he left NAWCAD in June 2019 and moved to the Navy’s Strategic Systems Programs organization. I found that he transferred to the U.S. Air Force this month.

We are still working with NAWCAD to determine where Pais was transferred within the research organizations of the USAF. Pais’s first move from NAWCAD to Navy Strategic Systems Programs (SSP) office was somewhat interesting given that one of Pais’s most eyebrow-raising patents was for a “hybrid aerospace-underwater craft.” SSP oversees the development and sustainment of the Navy’s nuclear-armed submarine-launched ballistic missiles.

Pais’s hybrid-underwater-aerospace craft concept., USPTO

This statement from NAWCAD also raises a few questions about why these experiments were funded and supported so extensively by high-ranking scientists within the organization in the first place. Despite every physicist we have spoken to over the better part of two years asserting that the “Pais Effect” has no scientific basis in reality and the patents related to it were filled with pseudo-scientific jargon, NAWCAD confirmed they were interested enough in the patents to spend more than a half-million dollars over three years developing experiments and equipment to test Pais’ theories. 

Despite the fact that NAWCAD says the experiments ended in September 2019 without proving the “Pais Effect,” the inventor asserted to The War Zone in a November 18, 2019 email that his work “culminates in the enablement of the Pais Effect” and that “as far as the doubting SMEs [Subject Matter Experts] are concerned, my work shall be proven correct one fine day…”

So, as it sits now, the Navy has finally chimed in that its latest little adventure into weird science has ended, at least as far as the seagoing service is concerned. Yet the bizarre secrecy surrounding this entire endeavor that has occurred after the Navy filed the patents publicly remains remarkably odd. Not until we actually got the images, data, and slides about the program of record that attempted to prove Pais’ theories did they chime in to confirm its demise. We may never know why this was the case, although some will claim this was a misadventure in scientific research and fiscal misappropriation, to begin with.

This has been a wild ride, and we can’t say for sure if it’s come to an end just yet. But regardless, this is where it sits for the time being.

Below are the results of our Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for documentation related to the Naval Innovative Science and Engineering – Basic & Applied Research Program under the project name “The High Energy Electromagnetic Field Generator (HEEMFG), broken into five parts here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5. We have removed only Pais’s academic publications, to avoid copyright issues with their publishers, as well as Pais’s patent documents which can already be found online.

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