Tag: Losharik

Watch Russian Submariners Train To Escape A Burning Submarine Through A Torpedo Tube

The official television channel of Russia’s Ministry of Defense recently offered a look at emergency drill onboard the Project 949A Oscar II class nuclear-powered guided-missile submarine Tver. These types of drills are routine, but there is no doubt some added emphasis within the Russian Navy on this kind of preparedness following the fire onboard the spy submarine Losharik earlier this year that killed 14 sailors.

Russia’s Fire-Damaged “Losharik” Spy Submarine Heads For Repairs As New Details Emerge

Russia will reportedly soon tow its top-secret nuclear-powered Project 10831 Losharik spy submarine to a shipyard in northwestern Russian for extensive repairs. Reports offering additional details about the accident have also begun to emerge, though the Kremlin has offered little in the way of official information about the incident, just as it has continued to be coy about exactly what happened during a recent explosion during a missile test that involved a nuclear power source.

New Details On Russian Submarine Fire Emerge Along With An Intriguing Schematic (Updated)

Krasnaya Zvezda, the official newspaper of the Russian Ministry of Defense, has included a heretofore unseen drawing of the Project 09852 Belgorod, a heavily modified Oscar II-class submarine outfitted for various “special projects” missions, in its latest report about a fire that killed 14 sailors onboard a still-unnamed Russian submarine on Monday. At the same time, new details regarding the July 1st accident have begun to trickle out, although they are limited in number and some are unconfirmed in nature.

Here’s Everything We Know About The Deadly Russian Submarine Fire (Updated)

Details about the accident are still limited, but Russia has revealed that 14 sailors died in a fire on board an unspecified deep-diving “research” submarine yesterday, making it the deadliest Russian submarine accident in more than a decade. Unconfirmed reports say that the incident occurred on board the Project 10831 Losharik, one of the Russian Navy’s top-secret “special projects” spy subs, a submersible it had launched, or its larger modified Project 667BDRM Delfin-class mothership submarine, the BS-64 Podmoskovye.

Analyzing The First Images Of Russia’s Huge Doomsday Torpedo Carrying Special Missions Sub

Just the other day, Russia launched the world’s longest submarine, the shadowy K-139 Belgorod, a modified Oscar II-class boat, which is set to become the country’s first operational launch platform for the Poseidon nuclear-powered and nuclear-armed long-range torpedo/unmanned undersea vehicle, as well as serve as an intelligence gathering platform and a mothership for smaller manned and unmanned submarines.