Tag: LCM-8

Congress Demanded The Army Put Its Plans To Gut Its Underappreciated Naval Fleet On Hold (Updated)

It took a Congressional intervention to recently halt the Army’s controversial plans to dramatically cut the size of its largely unknown and underappreciated fleets of amphibious landing ships, landing craft, and various other vessels and maritime assets, which are also known as “the Army’s Navy.” By all indications, the service had been moving forward with the divestment of Kuroda and dozens of other so-called watercraft systems, as well as inactivating associated units, despite having agreed months earlier to conduct an additional review of those decisions, which is still ongoing.

The Army Abruptly Pulls Ship Auction Listings And Halts Plans To Slash Its Naval Fleet

The U.S. Army, at least for the immediate future, has put plans on hold to gut its obscure and underappreciated fleets of amphibious ships, landing craft, tugs, and other maritime assets. The General Services Administration, or GSA, which had previously announced it would be auctioning off dozens of these vessels over the next year and a half, has pulled down all of the existing listings offline.

You Can Buy One Of The Army’s Most Capable Ships As The Service Guts Its Naval Fleets (Updated)

The U.S. government is auctioning off the former USAV SSGT Robert T. Kuroda, one of the eight General Frank S. Besson-class Logistics Support Vessels, or LSVs, which V.T. Halter Marine built for the U.S. Army between the 1980s and the early 2000s. The General Services Administration says it expects to sell off another LSV, along with dozens of other landing craft, tugs, and other Army maritime assets by the end of 2020.