Tag: France

Spanish Connection Emerges In Case Of Mysterious Qatari Missile Seized In Italy

Qatar has all but said that the French-made Matra Super 530F air-to-air missile that Italian authorities recently recovered was among those it sold to Spain 25 years ago. Police in Italy seized the missile, which was inside a transit container marked as being part of a sale to Qatar, during raids on Monday targeting individuals allegedly tied to far-right extremist groups.

Italian Cops Raid Neo-Fascists And Find Air-To-Air Missile That France Had Sold To Qatar

Italian police have seized a French-made Matra Super 530F air-to-air missile in the course of raids to arrest multiple individuals allegedly linked to far-right extremist groups who had provided aid to groups fighting Russian-backed separatists in Ukraine. Authorities also uncovered a large cache of automatic rifles, submachine guns, and other small arms, as well as Nazi paraphernalia, during one of the arrests involving an individual linked to Italy’s neo-fascist Forza Nuova political party.

France Launches The First Of Its New Class Of Super Quiet “Barracuda” Attack Submarines

French shipbuilder Naval Group launched the future first-in-class nuclear-powered attack submarine Suffren earlier today, the first of six submarines the French Navy will eventually receive to replace the existing Rubis class. These new boats, which will be able to fire SCALP land-attack cruise missiles and carry small teams of special operations forces, will be significantly more capable their predecessors and be able to take on a varied array of missions.