Tag: attack submarines

The Navy Wants Money To Get Started On Its Future SSN(X) Attack Submarine

The U.S. Navy is asking for funds to begin developing the requirements for an all-new attack submarine, now known as SSN(X), as well as examining associated technologies and concepts of operation, in its latest annual budget request. The fact that the service was interested in a new submarine focused primarily on attack surface ships and other subs, akin to the original plan for its significantly truncated Seawolf class, first emerged more than a year ago.

The Navy’s Oldest Attack Submarine Goes Out On Top After Circumnavigating The Globe

The U.S. Navy’s oldest active attack submarine, the Los Angeles class USS Olympia, returned to her homeport in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii for the last time yesterday after an impressive seven-month-long world tour. It’s certainly bittersweet, but it follows twilight years for the sub that featured a number of significant events, including notably being responsible for firing the first submarine-launched Harpoon anti-ship missile in years, and other public recognition of her nearly 35 years of service.