Tag: 355 ship Navy

Navy Eyes Yet Another Arleigh Burke Destroyer Variant After Warship Plans Hit Snags

The U.S. Navy says that it is considering purchases of a new derivative of the Arleigh Burke class destroyer that is even more advanced than the up-coming Flight III versions. This comes the service admits that it might not even begin buying its future Large Surface Combatants, or LSCs, which it expects to replace its Arleigh Burkes and its Ticonderoga class cruisers, until 2026.

Trump “Orders” Navy To Keep Supercarrier USS Truman That His Own Budget Asked To Retire

President Donald Trump says he has overridden an “order” to retire the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman ahead of schedule, a plan that faced major opposition in Congress since it first emerged in February 2019. This especially rapid decision to abandon the proposal only further calls into question why the Pentagon and the U.S. Navy proffered it up in the first place.