Pakistani F-16 Crashes In Islamabad, Video Shows Hard Maneuver Before Impact (Updated)


A Pakistani Air Force F-16 crashed today in Islamabad. The aircraft was reportedly practicing to take part in a parade for Pakistan Day on March 23rd. Videos have emerged of the incident that seem to show the F-16 executing what looks like something similar to a split-S at low altitude, before impacting the ground. It is unclear if this maneuver was pilot controlled or the result of some sort of mechanical malfunction. Multiple outlets have identified the pilot flying the F-16 as Wing Commander Nauman Akram. Sadly, he did not survive the mishap, but thankfully there were no casualties on the ground. 

It is unclear what block of F-16 this was. Pakistan’s most prized fighter aircraft are 18 Block 52+ F-16C/Ds, 18 of which were delivered roughly a decade ago. The rest of Pakistan’s F-16 fleet is made up of older and less advanced A and B models.

We will update this post when more information comes available. 

UPDATE: 7:40am PST

The Pakistani Air Force has confirmed in a statement that the F-16 was practicing for the March 23rd parade at the time of the mishap and that Wing Commander Nauman Akram, also written Noman Akram, had died. The exact type of Viper involved and the cause of the crash remain unknown.

“Pakistan Air Force reports with regret that a PAF F-16 aircraft crashed near Shakarparian, Islamabad during the rehearsals of 23 March parade,” the statement said. “A board of inquiry has been ordered by Air Headquarters to determine the cause of the incident.”

UPDATE: 9:20am PST:

The aircraft involved in the incident was an F-16A. 

UPDATE: 12:40am PST:

New update posted here. All future updates will be posted on this new article, as well.

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Tyler Rogoway


Tyler’s passion is the study of military technology, strategy, and foreign policy and he has fostered a dominant voice on those topics in the defense media space. He was the creator of the hugely popular defense site Foxtrot Alpha before developing The War Zone.