Video Takes You Inside Russia’s ‘Beast’ Division Of Akula Class Nuclear Fast Attack Subs


The first installment of a two-part series from Russian media outlet RT that takes viewers into the shadowy world of the submarine component of Russia’s Northern Fleet has been posted and it doesn’t disappoint. The program explores Russia’s vaunted ‘Beast Division’ made up of Akula class nuclear fast attack submarines (SSNs) and includes downright fascinating video of what action aboard these hunter-killer boats looks like, as well as of the infrastructure that supports them. At every turn there are interesting things to see and somewhat strange, but fascinating dialogue to be heard. 

The Russian Navy’s 24th Submarine Division is made up of a handful of Akula I and Akula II class SSNs, all named after ferocious animals. This makes some sense as they are the tip of the spear when it comes to hunting and killing enemy submarines and ships in the open ocean. 

There are so many interesting elements to unpack, from what appears to be remarkably dated looking technology filling up much of the interior of these vessels, to how their crews see American threats, to an incredibly detailed look at one of the Akula IIs, Vepr (Wild Boar) K-157, stripped and undergoing an overhaul. It’s important to note that while only four Akulas are active, a larger number of them are undergoing deep upgrades that will supposedly see them outfitted with new technologies, allowing them to better compete with their western counterparts. With these new enhancements, they will serve for decades to come alongside their aging Sierra and Victor class and brand new Yasen class counterparts. 

The Beast Division’s insignia shows a Siberian tiger biting a submarine with a classical U.S. Navy design configuration in half. , Wikicommons

Video tours and new external footage of Russian naval vessels are never short on ‘interesting’ details. What do you see of interest in the video? Let us know in our always lively comments section located below this post. 

To get us started, one thing outside the sub grabbed my eye. It’s a unique mounting setup for Russia’s seldom discussed System Obnarujenia Kilvaternovo Sleda (SOKS), translated in English as “Wake Object Detection System.” You can read more about this unique capability here


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