Check Out These Sweet Aerial Photos From The Royal Air Force’s Centenary Flypast Rehearsal

The Royal Air Force, which is known for its awesome aerial parades, is gearing up to mark its 100th anniversary with a big flyover of Buckingham Palace. The main event will have throngs of eyeballs peering up into the heavens around London as nearly 100 aircraft rumble by. But in order to make sure this goes off without a hitch, rehearsals are underway, with aviators getting their formations down in advance of the big day. Luckily, RAF photographers were also up in the air today to catch the practice session. 

The route will run from Ipswich to The Mall with portions of it then branching off to nearby locales. The whole display will last about a half an hour but aircraft will be airborne and holding well before the precession begins.


Pretty much everything in the RAF’s inventory will be included in the aerial parade, as well as some awesome warbirds that connect the flying service’s heritage with the present. The UK’s newly arrived F-35B is sure to be a major center of attention and will be flying with a pair of Tornados off its wings.


Here are the photos shot over the Royal Air Force College from today’s rehearsal:

Nine Hawk T2s in formation., UK MOD © Crown copyright 2018
An impressive showing of nine Typhoons., UK MOD © Crown copyright 2018
Seven GR4s in a big ‘v’ formation., UK MOD © Crown copyright 2018
C-17A and BAe146 CMk2 look like father and son as they roar over the college. , UK MOD © Crown copyright 2018
A pair of C-130J Hercules transports., UK MOD © Crown copyright 2018
The E-3D AWACS is always an impressive sight., UK MOD © Crown copyright 2018
Pumas and Chinooks tump their way over the airfield., UK MOD © Crown copyright 2018
A nine-ship diamond formation of Tucano trainers, one in WWII livery, flies under the camera-ship., UK MOD © Crown copyright 2018
Two R1 Shadow surveillance aircraft fly over some spectators. , UK MOD © Crown copyright 2018
H135 Juno training helicopters cross the college’s airfield., UK MOD © Crown copyright 2018

This is already an impressive display and it’s not anywhere near the size of the entire precession, but we’ll have to wait till July 10th to see that when London’s skies will fill with aircraft engine noise.

Happy birthday, RAF! 

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