Tag: Torpedoes

Remote Navy Submarine Test Base Has Been Key In Rescuing Hundreds In The Bahamas After Dorian

The U.S. Coast Guard has rescued hundreds of people across the Bahamas in the wake of Hurricane Dorian using helicopters operating from a little known and secretive U.S. Navy submarine test base situated on one of the islands in the archipelago. The Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center’s detachment on Andros Island main job is managing expansive test ranges so the Navy can conduct various underwater tasks, such as measuring the acoustic signature of subs and testing torpedoes.

Sailors On U.S. Navy Carriers Are Still Training To Use Unreliable Anti-Torpedo Torpedoes

Sailors on board some of the U.S. Navy’s Nimitz class aircraft carriers are still training to employ an unreliable anti-torpedo defense system nearly a year after it stopped work on the program entirely. The service still plans to remove these defensive systems from the ships completely within the next four years, but until that happens, personnel will have to remain qualified to use them, if necessary.