Tag: Patrol

Jets Fly Show Of Force During Gunfight Between US And Syrian Troops At Checkpoint (Updated)

U.S. Air Force F-15 combat jets flew a show of force during a standoff between U.S. troops and a mob aligned with Syria’s dictator Bashar Al Assad at a checkpoint, which had spiraled into a brief gunbattle. That skirmish left one Syrian dead and one American with very minor injuries. One of Russia’s military patrols in the area was also on the scene during the shooting, which follows weeks of similar standoffs between U.S. and Russian personnel in northeastern Syria.

F-35A Pictured On “Deterrence Mission” Over Middle East With Peculiar Single Missile Loadout

The F-35A flying with just one air-to-air missile externally while on a “deterrence mission” is just another tiny piece of an increasingly puzzling set of circumstances regarding the sudden need for the U.S. to deter Iranian aggression.