Tag: Missile test

Kim Jong Un Ends Testing Moratorium And Threatens To Unveil New “Strategic Weapon” (Updated)

It seems clear now that the period of detente between North Korea the United States is at its end. Following the Central Committee’s annual meeting, Kim made it totally clear that he won’t stand for the ongoing sanctions regime the U.S. has put into place and that new strategic weapons are needed.

News Of Sanction Busting North Korean Cargo Ship Seized As Kim Fires More Missiles (Updated)

After a year and a half without any major North Korean missile launches, Kim Jong Un’s regime has now fired three missiles with over-the-horizon range in the space of a week. These newest tests came right before the U.S. government’s disclosure that it has taken the unprecedented step of seizing a North Korean ship over sanctions violations for the first time ever, and has been holding the ship for more than a month now, something that is almost certain to prompt a response from North Korea, if Pyongyang hasn’t started to do so already.

It’s Far Too Soon For The Military Option When It Comes To North Korea

The potential for a real showdown between the United States and North Korea seems to be manifesting itself via grand displays of force on and around the Korean Peninsula. The US is very publicly loading additional firepower into the region, and North Korea doesn’t seem ready to tamp down on their own form of high-profile militarism—nor on their rhetoric towards the US and its allies in the region.