Tag: Kalibr

Admiral Warns America’s East Coast Is No Longer A “Safe Haven” Thanks To Russian Subs

A senior U.S. Navy officer says that his service no longer considers the East Coast of the United States as an “uncontested” area or an automatic “safe haven” for its ships and submarines. This is a product of steadily increased Russian submarine activity in the Atlantic Ocean, including the deployment of more advanced and quieter types that can better evade detection.

Russian Navy’s Top Officer Says Shadowy Zircon Hypersonic Missile Has “Childhood Diseases”

The Russian Navy’s top officer has said that the shadowy 3M22 Zircon hypersonic cruise missile is suffering from “childhood diseases” in its development, which will need to be resolved before it enters service some time in the coming years. This comes as the first at-sea test of the weapon has yet to take place, at least publicly, something previous reports had indicated was scheduled to occur before the end of 2019.

Russia Is Eying More Armed Icebreakers After Launching Missile-Toting Arctic Patrol Ship

A Russian shipbuilding industry official says that the country’s plans for fleets armed icebreakers, such as the Project 23550 Ice class corvettes, are growing and that they may be able to carry more even weapons depending on their exact configuration. This comes nearly three weeks after the launch of the first Project 23550 ship, the Ivan Papanin, which will already be able to carry containerized cruise missile launchers and may ultimately have a 100mm main gun, instead of a 76mm one as originally planned.

Putin Demands Response To U.S. Tomahawk Test Despite Having Treaty-Busting Missiles

Russian President Vladimir Putin has formally directed the country’s authorities to devise a “symmetric response” to the U.S. military’s recent test of a land-based Tomahawk cruise missile launch, a weapon system that the now-defunct Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, or INF, had prohibited. Of course, the most logical course of action is for Russia to publicly “unveil” the INF-breaching missiles it is already understood to have developed and fielded, but it may need to wait to do so in order to maintain its claim that it does not already have these weapons.