Pentagon Conducts First Test Of Non-Nuclear Capable Ballistic Missile Post-INF Treaty (Updated)

Details are still limited, but the U.S. military has confirmed that it launched a ground-launched ballistic missile, believed to be in the intermediate-range class, from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California this morning. This is the first U.S. test of this type of weapon since the collapse earlier this year of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, or INF, between the United States and Russia, which had prohibited both countries from developing and fielding missiles in this category.

Did Israel Just Conduct A Ballistic Missile Test From A Base On Its Mediterranean Coast?

Israel conducted a mysterious “rocket propulsion system” test earlier today from a base in the central part of the country. What few details are available has prompted speculation that this launch is related to the development of a new member of the country’s top-secret Jericho family of nuclear-armed ballistic missiles.

China’s Reported Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile Test In The South China Sea Is A Big Deal

China has reportedly carried out at least one anti-ship ballistic missile test in the hotly contested South China Sea as part of a larger exercise. If true, it would be the first time the Chinese military has carried out this kind of activity in this region and represents a significant escalation in the country’s already aggressive efforts to assert its claims over this highly strategic portion of the Pacific Ocean.