Tag: Il-76

Watch A Russian Il-76 Cargo Jet Bomb Targets And Strafe Them With Its Tail Gun

The Russian military recently conducted a curious training exercise in which some of its Il-76MD cargo aircraft bombed mock targets and strafed them with their 23mm tail guns. It’s an unusual capability, especially for a modern air force, but one that Russia has demonstrated before and that has clear Soviet roots.

China’s Y-20 Airlifters Make Crisis Debut Bringing Medics And Cargo To Virus Plagued Wuhan

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force, or PLAAF, has conducted a large airlift operation to bring medics and other humanitarian supplies to the city of Wuhan, which is the epicenter of a massive outbreak of a novel coronavirus that began late last year. The force included six of the PLAAF’s newest Y-20 airlifters, as well as other aircraft. This comes amid growing criticism, within the country and among the international community, of how authorities have handled the epidemic, which has killed at least 1,355 people in China.

Russia Claims A Grabber Arm Equipped Il-76 Will Launch And Recover Hypersonic Vehicles

Russia’s Gromov Flight Research Institute has revealed a concept for a system that it says will allow an Il-76 Candid airlifter to launch and recover hypersonic flight test vehicles using an extendable arm mounted in its main cargo bay. This is similar in some respects the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s Gremlins program, but it’s not at all clear how the Russian system would actually work, especially when trying to grab super-fast-flying test vehicles straight out of mid-air.