Tag: Idlib

Russians Tag Along With Assad’s Forces To Deter Turkish Strikes As Syrian Air War Heats Up

The conflict in Syria has entered a new, dangerous, and uncertain phase as Russian troops have escorted forces aligned with Syrian dictator Bashar Al Assad into the country’s hotly contested Idlib province. This comes a day after Turkey officially declared a major intervention in that region, shooting down multiple Syrian Air Force combat jets in its opening stages.

Crazy Video Out Of Syria Shows An Armored Personnel Carrier Brawling With A T-72 Tank

Video emerged this past weekend that shows Turkish-backed Syrian forces in a tracked armored personnel carrier jousting with and then ramming a T-72 tank belonging to forces aligned with Syrian dictator Bashar Al Assad. This incident occurred in Syria’s northwestern Idlib province and came just a day after an equally unusual road-rage incident between U.S. and Russian forces on the other side of the country.

Turkey Asks America To Send Patriot Missiles To Its Border As Its Troops Die In Syria Airstrikes

The Turkish government has reportedly asked its American counterparts to deploy a pair of Patriot surface-to-air missile system batteries along its southern border with Syria. This news came amid the announcement of the death of two Turkish troops, and the wounding of five more, in an airstrike in northwestern Syria. The request is politically fraught from the start due to a number of factors, including an ongoing spat between Turkey and the United States in part over the former’s purchase of Russian-made S-400 air defense systems and the risks of sparking a wider conflict if American air defenders were to shoot down a Russian combat jet.

Jets Fly Show Of Force During Gunfight Between US And Syrian Troops At Checkpoint (Updated)

U.S. Air Force F-15 combat jets flew a show of force during a standoff between U.S. troops and a mob aligned with Syria’s dictator Bashar Al Assad at a checkpoint, which had spiraled into a brief gunbattle. That skirmish left one Syrian dead and one American with very minor injuries. One of Russia’s military patrols in the area was also on the scene during the shooting, which follows weeks of similar standoffs between U.S. and Russian personnel in northeastern Syria.

Our Analysis Of New Info And Video From The Raid That Killed ISIS Head Al Baghdadi

The top U.S. commander in the Middle East has now briefed reporters on the U.S. special operations raid this past weekend that led to the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in an isolated compound near a village located close to the Turkish border in western Syria. The presentation also included video footage showing portions of the raid as it occurred and the subsequent destruction of the compound after the operation was complete.