Tag: Huntington Ingalls Industries

Top Navy Official Lashes Out Over Troubled New Carrier That May Not Be Ready Until 2024 Now

Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer decried comments from Congress earlier in the week as particularly “disparaging” and tantamount to a “disinformation program” benefiting America’s opponents. This is a far cry from the “the buck stops here” tone Spencer had struck in January, when he said that President Donald Trump should fire him if any of the carrier’s advanced weapons elevators, or AWEs, were not working when the ship leaves its latest maintenance availability, something that will almost certainly be the case now.

Delivery Of Newest America Class Amphibious Assault Ship Delayed Over Technical Issues

Huntington Ingalls Industries had revealed that it will deliver the next America class amphibious assault ship, the future USS Tripoli, to the U.S. Navy later than expected, with the commissioning date potentially getting pushed back into 2020. The shipbuilder cited unspecified technical difficulties as the reason for the delays.

Parts From The Retired USS Enterprise Are Keeping Her Successors Ready For Combat

It may take more than 15 years for workers to completely scrap the now-decommissioned aircraft carrier USS Enterprise, but the Navy is already recycling parts and raw materials from the ship. Parts from “Big E” are already on certain Nimitz-class carriers and more could find their way onto new Ford-class carriers, including a future flattop that will also carry the name Enterprise.