Tag: Gibraltar

U.K. Says Iran’s Supertanker Is Free To Go Even As The U.S. Tries To Keep It Impounded

U.K. authorities in Gibraltar have released the Iranian supertanker Grace 1, after receiving assurances that the ship’s final destination was not actually an oil refinery in Syria that is under European Union sanctions. This decision comes despite the United States making a bid to take over the case and keep the ship detained and as Iran continues to hold the British-flagged tanker Stena Impero, which Tehran had seized in a tit-for-tat response nearly four weeks ago.

Iran Threatens To Seize A British Ship After Royal Marines Storm Iranian Oil Tanker

A senior Iranian official has threatened to seize a British oil tanker in retaliation for the United Kingdom’s boarding and seizure of the Iranian supertanker Grace 1 off the coast of Gibraltar over suspected sanctions violations yesterday. The incident comes as Iran says it will begin enriching uranium in violation a controversial international agreement that the United Kingdom, along with France and Germany, have been struggling to save after the U.S. government pulled out last year.

Royal Navy Sub Appears In Gibraltar Equipped With A Wake Detection System

The U.K. Royal Navy’s Trafalgar-class attack submarine HMS Talent has emerged in the British territory of Gibraltar equipped with what appears to be a specialized system to detect hostile subs without using sonar. The concept of using various sensors to pick up the non-acoustic signatures of other submarines is hardly new, but Talent’s added equipment follows years of reports of increasing underwater activity from potential opponents, such as Russia and China, in both the Atlantic and the Pacific, among other bodies of water.