Tag: Gas attack

US Launched Tomahawk Missile Attack On Shayrat Air Base In Syria (Updated)

Details are still emerging but by most credible accounts the US has launched between 50 and 60 BGM-109 Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles at Shayrat Air Base in western Syria. The strikes were limited to the base itself, including aircraft, runways, munitions dumps and fuel facilities at the base. The missiles were all fired from two US warships operating in the eastern Mediterranean.

Striking Assad in Retaliation for Gas Attack Is a Horrible Idea

The pictures are devastating, the accounts are even worse. The early morning aerial gas attack on the town of Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib Province, Syria that killed 83 and wounded over 150 has reverberated throughout the international community. Just a couple days after the Trump Administration seemed to turn away from policy of regime change in Syria, the White House may be preparing to take military action against the Assad regime, which would be a first since the Syrian civil war began over six years ago. And although Assad is a miserable tyrant and war criminal, attacking him now is a terrible idea. Here’s why.