Tag: Fateh 110

Iran Touts Big Ballistic Missile And Lightweight Solid Fuel Rocket Motor Leaps

Iran has unveiled a new short-range ballistic missile, the Raad 500, which it says it both lighter and has a longer range than similar existing weapons in the country’s arsenal. A new, lightweight, solid-fuel rocket motor, which also offers added reliability and flexibility over liquid fuel types, is at the heart of the design, technology that Iranian officials say they plan to utilize in other ballistic missiles, as well as space launch vehicles, in the future.

Satellite Images Show The Aftermath Of Iran’s Missile Strikes On Al Assad Air Base In Iraq (Updated)

Satellite imagery from The War Zone has obtained exclusively from Planet Labs, as well as other shots that have emerged on social media, show damage to various hangars and other structures at Al Asad Air Base in Iraq following Iran’s unprecedented missile strikes aimed at U.S. forces in that country overnight. U.S. and Iraqi officials have said that the strikes, which also involved missiles fired toward Erbil, the capital of Iraq’s semi-autonomous northern Kurdish region, caused minimal damage and no U.S., coalition, or Iraqi casualties.