Tag: Deterrence

U.S. Says Russia Might Be Setting Off Very Low-Yield Nuclear Weapons On This Arctic Island

The U.S. government says that Russia may be conducting low-yield nuclear testing at a remote site above the Arctic Circle in violation of its obligations under the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, or CTBT. The allegation comes at a time when arms control deals between the two countries appear especially fragile. At the same time, the two nuclear-armed nations are actively working to modernize and diversify their arsenals.

The Air Force Found Airmen Boozing It Up In A Nuclear Missile Alert Facility In Wyoming

The U.S. Air Force has slapped a pair of airmen with administrative punishments after discovering they were drinking inside a missile alert facility at F.E. Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming. The base is home to some 150 LGM-30G Minuteman III nuclear-armed intercontinental ballistic missiles, one of three ICBM fields that make up one leg of the United States’ nuclear deterrent triad.

F-35A Pictured On “Deterrence Mission” Over Middle East With Peculiar Single Missile Loadout

The F-35A flying with just one air-to-air missile externally while on a “deterrence mission” is just another tiny piece of an increasingly puzzling set of circumstances regarding the sudden need for the U.S. to deter Iranian aggression.