Tag: Dead

Lockheed Job Listing Offers New Details About Long-Range Ground-Launched Hypersonic Weapon

A Lockheed Martin job posting has offered new details about the design and development schedule of a tactical, ground-launched hypersonic weapon that the U.S. Army and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency are working on together. The company won the contract to proceed to the third phase of this program, known as Operational Fires, or OpFires, two weeks ago.

F-35 Cueing Artillery To Take Out Air Defense Site During Test Is A Glimpse Of The Future

U.S. Army ground artillery units recently conducted a test in which they destroyed a mock air defense system based on targeting information from a U.S. Air Force F-35A Joint Strike Fighter. This is a concept of operations that could be extremely valuable for U.S. forces in a future large-scale conflict against an opponent with dense integrated air defense network and one that could easily expand to include other assets, including unmanned aircraft and new, longer-range artillery and tactical missile systems.

Israel Warns It Will Destroy Syria’s Air Defenses “Without Thinking Twice”

After six years of fighting, the chances that Israel may wade into the maelstrom that its the Syrian civil war is increasing after two more Israeli airstrikes rocked Syria over the weekend. One of the strikes was delivered Sunday via drone against a truck on a road between the Golan Heights and Damascus. One of the two people killed supposedly had close ties to the Assad regime, with some unconfirmed reports saying he was air defense commander. The other strike came overnight and was rumored to have been aimed at another Hezbollah weapons convoy. These strikes follow an early Friday morning Israel air raid that targeting a Hezbollah weapons transfer. That mission resulted in Syrian surface-to-air missile batteries firing on Israeli jets. At least one Syrian SA-5 SAM was intercepted by Israel’s Arrow anti-ballistic missile system during the missile volley. The engagement was the first time the Arrow system has ever been used in combat. Now Israel’s Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman has clearly warned Syria of what will come if another missile is fired at an IAF jet, stating: “The next time that the Syrian air defense fire at us we will destroy them completely without thinking twice.”