Tag: Ballistic Missile Defense

Here’s Why Patriot Missiles Weren’t Protecting US Troops In Iraq And Why They Still Aren’t

The U.S. military wants to send Patriot surface-to-air missile units to Iraq in the wake of unprecedented Iranian ballistic missile strikes aimed at American forces in the country earlier this month, which the Pentagon now says caused dozens of casualties in addition to significant damage to facilities at Al Asad Air Base. However, the U.S. government needs permission from authorities in Iraq to do so, approval that has so far not been forthcoming.

Satellite Images Show The Aftermath Of Iran’s Missile Strikes On Al Assad Air Base In Iraq (Updated)

Satellite imagery from The War Zone has obtained exclusively from Planet Labs, as well as other shots that have emerged on social media, show damage to various hangars and other structures at Al Asad Air Base in Iraq following Iran’s unprecedented missile strikes aimed at U.S. forces in that country overnight. U.S. and Iraqi officials have said that the strikes, which also involved missiles fired toward Erbil, the capital of Iraq’s semi-autonomous northern Kurdish region, caused minimal damage and no U.S., coalition, or Iraqi casualties.

Did Israel Just Conduct A Ballistic Missile Test From A Base On Its Mediterranean Coast?

Israel conducted a mysterious “rocket propulsion system” test earlier today from a base in the central part of the country. What few details are available has prompted speculation that this launch is related to the development of a new member of the country’s top-secret Jericho family of nuclear-armed ballistic missiles.

Israel Tests Arrow 3 Interceptor’s Long Range Performance In First-Ever Alaskan Launches

Israel has conducted the first-ever tests of its Arrow 3 ballistic missile defense system outside of the country as part of more than a week of launches in Alaska. In announcing this testing had occurred, Israeli officials have also said that there is foreign interest in potential export sales of the system, which has been in development now for more than a decade.

Japan Picked An Aegis Ashore Site Based On Miscalculations From Google Earth

Japanese officials have admitted that they miscalculated the angles of elevation of various mountains when deciding on where to base one of its two future Aegis Ashore ballistic missile defense systems. This led them to determine the only suitable site in eastern Japan was the Araya Maneuver Area, though nine others may have been viable.