Tag: automatic cannons

Russia Reportedly Developing Its Own AC-130-Like Gunship From Converted An-12 Cargo Planes

Russia is reportedly looking to develop an AC-130-like gunship armed with a pair of 57mm automatic cannons, as well as additional smaller guns. The first phase of the project would involve the conversion of an Antonov An-12 Cub cargo plane into a flying testbed to experiment with different weapons and tactics, techniques and procedures.

Need A 50mm Cannon For Your Bradley Fighting Vehicle Replacement Design? Just Ask The Army

The U.S. Army is considering handing out 50mm XM913 Bushmaster automatic cannons to companies working on possible replacements for the service’s Bradly Fighting Vehicles. At least one defense contractors is already pitching a design using this weapon, which reflects a growing Army interest in larger guns for its armored fighting vehicles as potential opponents, particularly Russia, are also up-gunning their fleets.