Tag: Arms Control

U.S. Inspectors Have Examined Russia’s Imminently Operational Hypersonic Missile

Russia says that a U.S. team has had a chance to inspect one of its new silo-launched Avangard hypersonic missiles under the terms of the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, or New START. This comes as there are mounting questions about the future of that bilateral agreement, which could sunset in 2021 unless American and Russian officials agree to an extension.

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Raises Alarm That Trump May Axe The Open Skies Treaty

The Chairman of the House Foreign Relations Committee has sent a letter to National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien saying he has seen reports that President Trump’s Administration may be preparing to leave the Open Skies Treaty. The deal has drawn criticism from certain members of Congress and other U.S. government officials over the years who argue that Russia has been abusing its terms. Proponents have, in turn, highlighted the immense benefits it offers in terms of transparency and accountability, especially for smaller member states.

U.S. Says Russia Might Be Setting Off Very Low-Yield Nuclear Weapons On This Arctic Island

The U.S. government says that Russia may be conducting low-yield nuclear testing at a remote site above the Arctic Circle in violation of its obligations under the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, or CTBT. The allegation comes at a time when arms control deals between the two countries appear especially fragile. At the same time, the two nuclear-armed nations are actively working to modernize and diversify their arsenals.

Russia’s New Surveillance Jet To Make First U.S. Visit To Photograph Military Bases

Russia is sending one of its two Tu-214ON observation aircraft the United States under the Open Skies Treaty, which gives signatories the opportunity to fly surveillance missions over each other’s territory. These planes have been a particular point of contention between the two countries and the U.S. government briefly refused to certify them as being compliant with the treaty’s terms last year.