Here Is What Each Of The Pentagon’s Air-Launched Missiles And Bombs Actually Cost

Whenever you see pictures of U.S. military combat aircraft, drones, and helicopters deployed on operations overseas, or even just during exercises in the United States or abroad, they’re often loaded down with various missiles and other precision-guided munitions. It’s no secret that the United States spends a lot on defense, but how much do each of these various weapons actually cost?

USAF F-35As Will Get Navy’s New Air Defense Busting Missile Amid Talk Of Anti-Ship Variants

The U.S. Navy and Northrop Grumman are making good progress on the development of a new high-speed missile to suppress and destroy enemy radars and other air defense emitters, and the Air Force has now also joined the program. In addition, recent changes to the weapon’s design include a new, compact warhead seated inside a modular payload space, a concept that could open up new roles for the missile in the future, including maritime strike.