Tag: 30mm

Pentagon May Scrap 35 Million Depleted Uranium Rounds Used By The A-10 Warthog’s Gun

The U.S. military is looking into what it would take to dismantle and dispose of more than 35,000,000 rounds of ammunition with depleted uranium cores, predominantly 30mm shells for the iconic GAU-8/A Avenger cannon on the A-10 Warthog ground-attack aircraft. This comes more than a year after the U.S. Air Force revealed it was looking into the possibility of stopping using these controversial rounds for good.

The U.K.’s Pint-Sized Martlet Missile Will Guard Royal Navy Ships And Much More

A U.K. Royal Navy Type 23 frigate has successfully destroyed a mock fast attack craft with a Martlet missile during a test in the Irish Sea. The new weapons offer an easy way to add another layer of point defense capabilities to the Type 23s, as well as other Royal Navy ships, especially to protect against swarms of small watercraft and explosive-laden suicide boats, a threat that has become particularly pronounced in the Middle East just recently.

Need A 50mm Cannon For Your Bradley Fighting Vehicle Replacement Design? Just Ask The Army

The U.S. Army is considering handing out 50mm XM913 Bushmaster automatic cannons to companies working on possible replacements for the service’s Bradly Fighting Vehicles. At least one defense contractors is already pitching a design using this weapon, which reflects a growing Army interest in larger guns for its armored fighting vehicles as potential opponents, particularly Russia, are also up-gunning their fleets.