Thankfully, squadron videos remain a staple of naval aviation. Although the newest offerings continue to impress with jaw-dropping action in high-definition, some hilarious jewels have been lost to time. Luckily, VQ-2’s awesomely terrible “Wings Of Gold” has somehow survived the decades—and found itself digitized for our viewing pleasure.
It has everything you would expect in a really bad ’80s squadron music video, including constant references to being good in bed, a bordering-on-legitimate dance breakdown, lots of aviator sunglasses, and even cameos by Qaddafi and the Ayatollah Khomeini!
The forward deployed Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadron Two (VQ-2), with their land-based EP-3E Aeries and carrier-capable EA-3B Whale spy surveillance aircraft, did some incredibly important and at times very dangerous aerial sleuthing during the final decade of the Cold War, when this video was shot. Theirs was an incredibly serious mission, and the squadron experienced some of the most intensive tasking of the period. So you can’t blame the folks at VQ-2 for wanting to blow off a little steam creatively, spawning the politically incorrect, pre-tailhook-scandal lyrical masterpiece, below. This line should really be considered a classic:
“Damn the torps’ full speed ahead, them other wings they made of lead, the Ranger flies throughout the Med, we do our job and we’re good in bed!”

Still, when it comes to funny squadron videos from times gone by, I don’t think VQ-2 has Cal and his used fighter jet lot beat. But they came close!
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