If there ever was a good week for dogs, this was it. The combat dog that was injured in the successful raid against ISIS kingpin Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has become the face of the historic operation, with President Trump tweeting repeatedly about the super pooch. As predicted, the Belgian Malinois named Conan is set to meet the President at the White House this week. Now the dog has now become the subject of a wild Saturday Night Live sketch, where a real dog playing Conan ‘took questions’ in the White House Briefing Room.
The sketch was pretty funny as there is always a lot of unpredictability when animal actors take the live stage. The “translations” the military “dog interpreter,” played by Cecily Strong, provided pretty damn hilarious, too. Check it out:

Maybe the best line was Conan summing up what missions like the one that killed al-Baghdadi are like as a special operations dog. The reporter asks “How does it feel to be getting all the credit for killing Baghdadi?” To which Conan replies—through his dog interpreter—“Honestly, it was a team effort from day one. It’s always been, I sniff your ass, you sniff mine.”
It will be big news when the real Conan gets the red-carpet treatment at the White House this week. Stay tuned!
Also, the Air Force’s mysterious X-37B spaceplane came during Weekend Update and we even got some stated dimensions:

Busy night for the military on SNL!
Contact the author: Tyler@thedrive.com