Your Hunt For Red October Has Ended With This ‘Crazy Ivan’ T-Shirt!

We are exceptionally excited to unleash our next and arguably most exciting installment in our series of very limited run T-Shirts that we have designed in partnership with the mad transportation apparel scientists over at This time around we dove deep to come up with a design that would speak to the inner Cold Warrior in all of you. Paying homage to maybe the most quoted military thriller in our highly active comments section, a film beloved by so many, The Hunt For Red October, ‘Crazy Ivan’ reminds us of the perils of undersea cat-and-mouse games and one of the most memorable scenes in the film.

Although Sean Connery, Alec Baldwin, and James Earl Jones took center stage in the undersea thriller, the true stars of the movie were the fictional caterpillar drive-equipped Typhoon class nuclear ballistic submarine

Red October and the Los Angeles class nuclear fast attack submarine Dallas. Both of which take their rightful place at the core of our design.


Just as Jonesy called out “Conn, sonar. Crazy Ivan!”—an abrupt turning maneuver used by a submarine captain to ‘clear their baffles‘ so that an enemy sub hiding immediately to the rear in the sonar’s blind spot can be detected—you too can tell the world that you too react fast to even your most crafty and guileful opponents.

So, why hunt around until October or even much longer to make the grandest statement of your affection for submarine warfare and Tom Clancy’s masterpiece? Dive in now and purchase one of these awesome shirts while you still can. They will only be available through Monday, August 5th, 2019 before the opportunity blows its ballast and ceases its patrol. 

You can grab a shirt or two for you and your fellow crewmates by clicking over to the Blipshift listing here.

Who knows, once you don this amazingly unique T-shirt you may find yourself longing to live in Montana and marry a round American woman and raise rabbits that she will cook for you. You might even get a pickup truck or possibly even a ‘recreational vehicle’ and drive from state to state. 

It’s the American way!

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Tyler Rogoway


Tyler’s passion is the study of military technology, strategy, and foreign policy and he has fostered a dominant voice on those topics in the defense media space. He was the creator of the hugely popular defense site Foxtrot Alpha before developing The War Zone.
